The condition of your ductwork has a direct impact on air quality everywhere in your home. Although often neglected, air ducts are critical HVAC components. In addition to air quality issues, duct problems can cause a lot of air to be lost. You can rely on Sky for air duct repair, but we can only be prompt and effective if you act on signs that service is needed, such as:
7 Signs You Need AC Duct Repair
1. Room-to-Room Differences in Temperature
An air leak causes uneven heating and cooling because not enough conditioned air is reaching every room. There can be a variety of causes. Debris may have collected in ducts, blocking air flow, or there may be a hole, tear, or crack. Loose joints can also be a cause. A vent could be closed or blocked, or there may be undersized or not enough return vents.
2. Dusty Vents
If the air vents are covered in dust, you might have a filtration problem and will certainly require ac duct repair. Air circulates throughout the duct system, carrying along dust and dirt from your home with it (which can contain pollen, mold, fungus, and other contaminants). While filters remove these, air vents will trap particles if the filters are clogged. Leaky ducts can allow dirt in that may cause HVAC equipment to eventually break down.
3. Strange Noises
If you turn on your air conditioner or heater, and hear popping, banging, or booming sounds, a ductwork problem is likely. Excess air pressure is causing the metal membrane within the ducts to expand. There may also be poorly fitted ducts, holes, or blockages. Failing to address the issue in time will result in extra wear on the AC unit and its components.
4. Poor Air Flow
Your HVAC can have reduced air flow because of a ductwork problem such as a crack, tear, or broken seal. Less air is reaching the affected vent. While disconnected or crushed vents can restrict air flow, so can debris or another blockage. Also, improperly designed ductwork with too few return vents/registers can prevent the recirculation of air.
5. Moldy Smells
Mold and mildew grow whenever there’s excess moisture and humidity. If you notice a moldy odor when you turn on the AC or heater, you may have poorly insulated ducts, a duct leak, or uneven temperatures between the inside and outside of ductwork, causing condensation to form. The result can be not only an unpleasant smell, but also respiratory issues and other health problems.
6. Pests
Holes, crevices, and other imperfections can provide shelter for rats, mice, and all kinds of insects. Signs of this kind of problem include foul odors, dead insects, or rodent droppings. First, you must have a professional get rid of the pests. Then you need AC duct repair to ensure the problem doesn’t continue to happen.
7. Your Energy Bill Has Spiked
A sudden increase in your electric bill can mean your HVAC system is working harder to compensate for a leak, blockage, or contamination. Poorly fitted ducts can lead to higher energy consumption too. Not fixing the underlying problem can also mean potentially paying for major repairs or premature replacement down the road.
Schedule AC Duct Repair Today
Customers trust Sky Heating and Air Conditioning for duct cleaning in Tualatin or Gresham as well as across Portland and into Southwest Washington. Our ductwork repair professionals have the expertise, tools, and techniques to reduce duct leakage to as little as 2 percent. To learn more about our process, or to schedule ductwork service or an inspection, set up an appointment online or call us directly at (541) 275-2918.