If you’re reading this title for the first time, you might be perplexed. There’s plumbing inside the walls, water lines under floors, and pipes above ceilings. That’s within your home. But roof drainage is just as important a part of your plumbing system. Drain cleaning, therefore, extends beyond your sinks, toilets, and bathtubs.
Roof plumbing is crucial in protecting your home against heavy rain and flooding. Issues here can cause significant damage inside and outside your home. It’s therefore essential to maintain your roof plumbing and pay careful attention to your gutters.
Impact of Clogged Gutters
Gutters should drain rainwater away from the roof, to the ground, and away from your home. They are vulnerable to getting clogged with leaves, twigs, and dirt. If so, water can sit there, back up, and then damage the roof and seep into your home. Poor installation can cause the exterior of your home to become waterlogged, which can lead to a basement leak or structural damage.
Poor drainage can cause the soil around your home to become saturated. Cracks in walls can form and pressure exerted by saturated soil can compromise the foundation. This greatly increases the risk of basement flooding. You can reduce the risk by blowing off debris before it settles deeply and by repairing holes and loose connections before there’s a serious problem.
Clogged gutters aren’t the only risk factor. Issues with downspouts can be problematic as well. Each downspout should drain not more than 50 feet of gutter or water can pool up. Downspouts connected to the sewer system can cause problems. If there’s heavy rain, a sewer overflow can occur, leading to unsanitary conditions or a sewer pipe blockage. In a worst-case scenario, the increased pressure can cause a sewer pipe to burst.
How to Ensure Gutters Drain Properly
Aside from cleaning and maintenance, gutters should be properly placed. There should be at least 40 linear feet between each gutter; this allows for sufficient drainage in heavy rain. Gutters placed too close to one another can cause water to settle and seep into the ground. Each gutter outlet should be installed on a slope. Having tank reservoirs near your home can also help; these can store excess water to nourish plants or purify for use at home during a shortage.
Additional Impacts of Clogged Gutters
A clogged gutter can cause water overflow that may overwhelm a basement sump pump. If you have storm drains, rainwater may not properly flow into pipes that direct water away from your house to a nearby river or stream. In addition, gutter issues can strain roof flashings. These keep moisture and water out of joints between roof panels and other architectural elements; if flashings are damaged, your roof will be vulnerable to leakage.
How to Protect Roof Plumbing
If you suspect any clogs, schedule a professional drain cleaning. You can also prevent gutter issues by:
- Hiring a contractor to install gutter guards, especially if big trees are nearby.
- Make sure the ground slopes away from your home, so gutters and downspouts can drain properly.
- Planting trees and bushes around your home that will absorb and slow down water.
To further protect your home, caulk any foundation cracks. Small cracks can be sealed as a DIY project. For larger ones, call a professional contractor.
Contact Your Local Plumber
Clogged gutters can and will affect the rest of your plumbing system if not corrected. The drain cleaning professionals at Sky Heating & Air Conditioning have the tools and equipment needed to correct any problem at its source. We’re also available 24/7 to provide emergency service. To schedule a visit or learn about our specials and financing, call (503) 673-9083 today.